Friday, July 30, 2010

I think I'm just a little bit evil...

I still have no internet at home, but I couldn't resist sharing these recently discovered book gems:

A couple of years ago I purchased Great Lies to Tell Small Kids by Andy Riley, who is best known as the author of The Bunny Suicides. Each page of the book contains a hilariously mean lie, coupled with a funny cartoon. Highlights include 'Milk feels pain' and 'If you grab the edge of your chair and pull as hard as you can you'll lift yourself into the air'.

This evening a coworker of mine, JS, brought a book to the counter, chuckling. Imagine my delight when I discovered that it was a follow-up, Loads More Lies to Tell Small Kids. (My favourite lie: 'When you change channels on the TV the presenter you were just watching dies instantly.') The following conversation ensued:

Me: Oooh, I have the first one! I have to get this!
JS: That's really bad, you know.
Me: What's bad?
JS: Your need to purchase things you see.
Me: I have the first one. I love it!
JS: Maybe I should order a copy for myself then.

I can't help it. I find the idea of telling outrageous lies to small children hilariously funny.

In the meantime, I am concerned that my coworkers are going to start worrying about me, because I have the following two books on hold for myself: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, and Would You Eat Your Cat? by Jeremy Stangroom. The answer, if you're wondering, is no. I wouldn't. While the titles may make me look like an obsessive carnivore, Eating Animals is actually about vegetarianism, and Would You Eat Your Cat? is a brilliant intro to ethical theory which uses interesting ethical dilemmas. A philosophically sound introduction to an area as complex as ethics is a rare find, so I recommend the book highly to anyone with an interest in ethics.

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